
Oil Portrait of Graeme Harry Wynne

Portraits available for commission. Please email Daphne at daphnewynne.art@gmail.com. Thank you.


Graeme Harry Wynne, 1937-2000
“Graeme Harry Wynne, 1937-2000”, oil, by Daphne Wynne, 1991

2 thoughts on “Portrait

  1. Daphne, Wow. The more I see of your work, the more awed I am of your talent. Did your father sit for this painting? or did you paint from a photograph? Your shallow depth of field evokes the feeling of a photograph. The light in his eyes is too specific to be imagined, it can only have really been as you have painted it. Wow.

  2. Hi Chris!
    Thanks for your kind words! I usually never paint from a photograph because I love to paint from real life all the time. However, in this situation, I loved this picture so much of my dad that I wanted to paint it. I kind of added a bit of my own “shunna say qua” (please excuse my dreadful French) to it to make it seem more like him. One of the reasons I used a photograph was because he was unavailable as a subject because I was living in Holland at the time and he was all the way in California. I missed him and I decided to paint this as a present for him. When he received it, he said he loved it. He always had it hanging in the living room of his house. After he passed away, I hung it in my house to remind me of him. I even still have his hat in the picture, which he always wore, and I hung it on the corner of the painting. How’s
    your painting going?

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